Since 2021 our Charity Shop has been in Prettygate, Colchester

We reopened Prettygate Post Office within our shop in 2021

Clothing aisle

Book aisle

Children's aisle


Colchester Cat Rescue Charity Shop & Prettygate Post Office

Christmas/New Year opening hours for Charity Shop and Prettygate Post Office:-
Open up to Christmas Eve Tuesday 24th December, closed Christmas Day and Boxing Day, reopen on Friday 27th December 2024. The Charity Shop and Post Office are closed on all Bank Holidays, so shut on Wednesday 1st January 2025.
100 The Commons, Prettygate, Colchester CO3 4NW Tel: 01206 576085

Open Monday to Saturday 9 - 5pm (closed on all Bank Holidays) - please ring the shop first if you are bringing donations in (or you can take them to our cat sanctuary, mornings only please). We reopened the former Prettygate Post Office in our shop. It is open the same hours as the shop, 9 - 5pm. As well as selling stamps, posting letters/parcels, ordering foreign currency etc you can draw out cash from your High St bank account, pay in cash or cheques to your bank account, check your account balance, send Moneygrams etc
Facebook page: Colchester Cat Rescue Charity Shop


Please donate goods to help us raise funds. We take most items (except furniture) in clean and saleable condition please:-  clothing and footwear, handbags and suitcases, curtains and bed linen (not pillows or duvets), jewellery, kitchenware, pet items, china and ornaments, unwanted gifts (cosmetics, toiletries, perfumes), toys and games, CDs and DVDs, books (not text books or encyclopaedias), antiques, watches and clocks etc etc. If you have a lot to donate, please phone the shop in advance to let us know. We may be able to collect if you have a lot to donate and cannot arrange transport.

Monthly Standing Orders - Legacies - Gift Aid on Donations - Ways to donate

1) Please email or write to us at the Sanctuary if you can help by contributing a small amount each month via standing order and we will send you our standing order form.
2) If you have cats that you want to ensure are looked after when you are no longer able to, please ask your solicitor to include a legacy to us in your will. Please ensure that your family know that you would like us to look after your cat, so that we are informed - if you can help us with a small legacy we are very grateful.
3) If you are a taxpayer we can claim extra on any donation you make to us, at no cost to you, if you complete our Gift Aid form. Please request a form if you are a taxpayer.
4) You can post or drop in a cheque to us at either the Sanctuary or Charity Shop. Or you can phone us to make a donation by card payment over the phone. Or you can go online - we are on many of the donation platforms such as Virgin Money giving, Give As You Live etc.
5) We also have an Amazon Wish List if you want to buy our cats some cat food, toys, cat beds, scratching post - everything is gratefully received.