Our Sanctuary - "Lyndhurst", Bromley Rd, Colchester CO7 7SF
 Please message us on our Facebook page: Colchester Cat Rescue, phone 01206 864284, or email us on mail@colchestercatrescue.org.uk. We are open for rehoming cats by appointment only (but are on site daily till 12 if you have anything to drop off, cat food/litter, items for our charity shop etc).
A lot of rebuilding work was done in 2019 thanks to a generous legacy from the Milne family - without this we were struggling to maintain the site, as our cats' accommodation was 50 years old and suffering badly from rot.

The new chalet block

Our main chalet block was rebuilt as the old wooden one had deteriorated so badly that it was leaking, despite having been patched up numerous times over the years.

Our maternity chalets

An old cat run was converted in about 2010, to provide a mother and kitten unit, with 4 individual chalets and a socialisation area. Since then it has been home to many expectant mums and dozens of kittens.

Looking towards our new cat runs

The two old sheds that housed our long term furry residents were also at the end of their working life as they were nearly 50 years old and rotten like the chalet block.

View inside one of the new cat runs

The two old cat runs further down the site were at the point of falling down and we were worried that cats would escape as the shed and cat runs were deteriorating so much. The only solution was to demolish the old buildings before they fell down, and rebuild them both.

View from outside the new cat run

Now the two matching cat runs have been rebuilt and the old sheds replaced. There is heating and lighting in each building, and steps up to shelving, as cats like their beds to be up high. The cats now have a view down into our meadow.

Ongoing redecorating

All of the remaining existing buildings are being repainted from the old dark wood into pastel shades by our helpers so that they match the new buildings.